i) Whoever recites surah al Baqarah and surahAali Imran would go directly near the Ahl ul Bayt onthe day of reckoning under the shade of these twosurahs appearing as clouds.ii) whoever recites the first 4 verses, the verse ofKursi with the two following verses, and the threelast verses of surah al Baqarah would never comeacross any undesirable event (his family and property would also remain) safe; Shaytan would not comenear him, and he would never forget the Holy Quran. In Thawabul A’amal it is narrated from as-Sadiq (a.s.) that hesaid: One who recites al-Baqarah and Aale Imran would come to uson the Day of Judgment in such a state that both of them would beshading him like two clouds or two mantles.